An interactive presentation to increase awareness of the unique needs of employees who care for children with disabilities.
Best Practices training for managers — increasing awareness of the unique needs of employees with children with disabilities.
Monthly drop-in workshops on key topics related to raising children with disabilities.
Confidential 1:1 sessions in which employees can share challenges and concerns in their home and work life as they relate to disability.
To share and connect with others in the company in order to reduce the feeling of isolation and provide opportunities for peer support.
Customized consulting and review of company policies and benefits packages to create more inclusivity and equal opportunity.
Lisa runs into Jack in the hallway and they chat about their summer plans. Jack learns that Lisa’s son just finished High School and asks what college he is going to. Lisa feels uncomfortable because her son has a developmental disability that she has not shared at work and he will not be going to college.
Jane is a valued employee in her company and she loves her job. She is a single mother of a 4 year old with Autism who is non-verbal. During the school year, her full time position allows her to pay her rent and expenses. In the summer, however, she has to decrease her hours at work to be able to accommodate her son whose special education camp program finishes early at 1:00 instead of 5:00. She is at risk of losing her apartment because her summer income is insufficient to pay her rent.
Miguel is offered an ex-pat assignment but has to decline. In conversation with his supervisor, he explains his wife does not want to relocate but the truth is that being out of the country or even the state for more than a month would result in his daughter losing her therapy and nursing care benefits.
Edna’s son has recently received an autism diagnosis and aside from being devastated and ashamed, they are now worried about requesting work flexibility to attend numerous doctor’s appointments. They don’t know anyone at work with a child with autism so they are not sure how to proceed.
Kabir’s experienced caregiver suddenly quit and he is struggling to find a caregiver who is equipped to deal with his son’s violent outbursts. He needs to be home by 4:00 when he gets off the school bus. This time constraint conflicts with the weekly mandatory team meeting. He is concerned that his superiors will question his reliability and commitment, potentially passing him up for the next big project or promotion.
Ling is excited to meet her co-workers family members at the company picnic until she learns that the picnic is around a lake where there is no wheelchair accessibility for her teenage daughter. She decides not to attend.
We assist employers in unlocking their employees’ full potential and increase their organizational value by improving retention, increasing job satisfaction, and fully leveraging their unique employee experiences.
1in6 Support helps Human Resources staff — within the realm of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) — focus on caregiving employees and the unique challenges they face, as well as the contributions they add to the companies and organizations they work for.
1in6 Support provides various custom solutions from general training through employee support to detailed HR/benefits training, consulting and review.
“This was one of the best TPN workshops that I have ever attended. The presenters offered their real work experience as advocates, family members, and professionals. The presenter offered resourceful information that can be used to better support the needs of our clients. This was an exceptional experience and I look forward to signing up for more workshops from these presenters. Thank you!”
“Powerful presentation. Both speakers engaged the audience with interesting well-constructed content."
“The personal stories of the presenters enhanced the workshop. A truly educational and inspiring workshop. Great presentation.”
“Excellent! This course exceeded my expectations and was very enlightening."
"This would be wonderful as an all-day course. I expect my entire team to either have participated in this training or watch the webinar. The presenters were extremely qualified, and excellent material we can immediately start using. I was also touched by their graciousness in sharing their very personal experiences to help us relate to the material presented. The pacing was very good, some classes I have taken elsewhere drag out a minimal amount of info to fit a 2-hour timeframe, these two presenters "filled us up" without going too fast. I recommend this course highly and will share it with others."